Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Hey there. I know it's been awhile since i've touched this space. It's just, school's been crazy the last semester, what with cheerleading (yes, i'm a cheerleader now), theatre and exams.
Facebook has been keeping me away from this space as well. Photos are so easily uploaded there and i don't have to bother editing them! Thus i've been a tad lazy to come here.
Anyhoots, i'm in the midst of HOLIDAYS now! Yay! But i'll be busy busy for the month of May. Everyone who wants to get me out can start doing so in June or July ya! Yes, the holiday's fucking long! And i'm not working! Boo no money. Sponsorship anyone?
Since exams have ended, i've been a bad boy, clubbing on Thursday and Friday, nearly getting into a fight on the former. Luckily my cheerleaders stood by me. Saturday met with the Chas for margaritas at Cafe Iguana and i had a hangover at 8pm. Sunday was bacca's birthday and we went to have dinner at swensons and played Wii at cine! Fun shit anyone up for Wii outing?
I'm so summarizing my days. Haha! No pictures! Everything is on facebook. If you've not got me on facebook then BOOYA!
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