Monday, May 07, 2007


After coming back from lunch, i saw this big box on my table.

My colleague bought Vinco doughnuts and thoughtfully gave one to me! How nice!

But i'm damn bloated from lunch now.

During lunch my colleagues were discussing how i looked very sporty to them. One even said i looked like a sprinter.

That was such a joke.

What do i do when i realise that the tension that i've been feeling for awhile now isn't due to my over-sensitiveness, but is so real that i can cut it with a knife?

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Posted by juni @ 14:19


I don't want you to think of me as an eavesdropper so I'll just say that I'm listening to music instead of my neighbour's maid flirting with my other neighbour's driver.


I like it when people think of me as an intellectual so I will list a bunch of intellectual-sounding books here, even those I don't plan to read.


Since I can't list my porn collection here, I'll just leave it this way until I can force myself to watch non-pornographic stuff, which may or may not happen.

