Friday, December 15, 2006
compliment cookies
The reason i mentioned fortune cookies in my previous entry was because Mabs and i bought one each.
only after taking the photo did we realise we were actually dressed quite matchingly...
I was feeling lost and Mabs was feeling curious, so we thought getting a fortune would be interesting to see what we should do next.
Mabs cracked hers first and her fortune read something like "Wait and prosperity will come".
I thought it was quite a common and vague reading and procceded to crack open mine.
After i read mine, i felt so cheated...
I was supposed to get my fortune from the cookie, but what did i get instead?
I was feeling so directionless in life right now and instead of giving me focus, the cookie gave me a compliment! I had half a mind to march back to the stall and demand a refund. I didn't want a compliment cookie, i wanted a fortune cookie!
That got me thinking of insult cookies.
Imagine cracking one open to read this.
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